Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Clay is quickly learning the word no. I didn't think he was told no as much as he likely is until he has learned to say it too! He also says don't too! He likes to point the finger as he says them both. I think it is funny but, can't laugh because he might be encouraged to continue to do it....like he already does during church services now. Church service on Wednesday nights has started up again for Lent so we are getting home late. We put him in his pajamas before we leave to head home so that he can go straight to bed since he would normally go to bed at 7 or so and we don't leave there until almost 8.
Easter is almost here!!!

1 comment:

  1. Luckily Ben hasn't said that but I try hard not to say it to him because it sure can come back to bite you. He does shake his head no though and I have to keep myself from smiling at him when he does. Hope to see you Saturday-we will be at mom and dad's for dinner. BTW-I like your blog, could you put up some pics some time?
